Getting Help At Home

Five Ways You Can Brighten A Senior's Day

Most seniors become home-bound at some point. Since they spend their entire day staring at the same four walls, anything new and fresh is exciting. Here are some ways you (as a friend, family member, or home health care staff member) can brighten their day:

1. Take a plant. Did you know that plants can filter the air? They not only absorb carbon dioxide, but they can also remove other benzene and formaldehyde. They add humidity to a room, too, which is great if the senior lives in a dry area. Finally, plants look beautiful and bring some life and vitality to a room. There are many plants that are easy to take care of, requiring only a cup of water every two weeks. 

2. Make a quick phone call. If you can't stop by for a visit, give them a call. Listen carefully and don't get distracted by the internet or another person. Share something interesting or funny before you hang up so they have something to think about later. 

3. Make a simple photo album. Seniors often struggle with loneliness. Take the time to gather some photographs of friends and family members and put them in an album. You can even collect some letters or notes from the people in the photograph. The senior can then look at the album and read the notes when they are feeling lonely.

4. Help them beautify their space. They will feel happier when they are looking at a clean, beautiful space. You can help put up holiday decorations, bring some decorative items (like colorful vases or picture frames), pull some of their favorite items from storage, or do some simple cleaning and organizing. Frequently ask if there is anything you can do to make their space more functional and inviting. Always double-check to make sure there is nothing they could trip on or bump into. 

5. Bring some humor. Laughter can relieve pain, lower stress levels, and brighten their day. Tell some jokes, pull up some funny videos online, search for hilarious stories in books or magazines, or bring a rib-tickling book for them to read. Each person has a different sense of humor, so ask them which kinds of things they would enjoy and find them. 

Even if you don't have a lot of extra time, there are lots of things you can do to improve the life of a senior. You will find that serving them will bring just as much happiness to your life as it does to theirs. Good luck, and if you need more help, contact senior care professionals with your concerns.
