Getting Help At Home

3 Signs Your Loved One Is Ready for Home Health Care

When you have an aging or disabled loved one still living on their own, you begin to feel concerned about their health and safety over time. A fire can accidentally be caused by a burner forgotten on the stove, or your loved one can fall down and be unable to retrieve help on their own. If you don't want to take away their independence but still want them to get reliable care, home health care can be a wonderful option. A professional aide can come to their home several times a week to clean homes, administer medication, and simply provide company and basic hygienic care that they can no longer do for themselves. Here are three signs your loved one is ready for home health care, even if they don't say anything about their needs.

Chores get left undone

As basic chores get harder and harder to accomplish, your loved one may leave tasks undone or less accomplished than before. You may notice newspapers piling up on the porch, garbage overflowing in the house, or even dishes left in the sink for days. Your loved one may explain the lack of cleanliness in their home on being too tired or too busy to do them, but the reality is most likely that their home has simply become too difficult to maintain on their own. A home health aide can be hired to come to the home and do basic chores daily or a few times a week.

Small injuries increase

You may notice a loved one constantly tending to a bruise, scratch, or tender hip. Age can lead to vision loss and painful body movements, which can in turn lead to more falls and bumps into furniture. These smaller dangers can soon become serious and lead to a nasty fall. A home health aide can come in and assist your loved one in moving around so they injure themselves less in the home.

Personal hygiene declines

If your loved one appears to wear the same articles of clothing every day or has noticeably neglected their oral health care, then they should have a home health aide to assist them in their daily routine. An aide can help them to and from the toilet, give them regular baths, and assist in teeth brushing as well. Since a person can get sick if they don't practice regular hygiene, don't ignore signs of neglect in your loved one or else they can become very ill as the issue gets worse.
