Getting Help At Home

Home Home Health Care Can Help Seniors With Dysarthria Avoid Depression

Speech problems of all kinds affect seniors as they age and make it difficult for them to communicate. One of the most common of these is dysarthria. This disease not only makes it difficult for a senior to talk but may lead to depression. As a result, it is important to get home health care to increase their speaking skills as much as possible.

Dysarthria May Cause Depression

Dysarthria is a speech problem that occurs when a person has difficulty working the muscles of their mouth. It is different than speech problems like aphasia because the person with it has no difficulty mentally creating language. However, they find it very hard to speak and may end up becoming socially isolated and depressed because of it.

Social isolation is a serious concern in seniors because it is very easy for them to become hermits and avoid all human contact. It can often lead to a spiral of depression from which they never escape. Thankfully, home health care is possible for those with this disease.

Speech Therapy Is Possible

Treating this condition is possible with a speech therapist. They will come to the senior's home and help them manage the symptoms. For example, they can teach them to slow their rate of speech, improve their breath support, and increase the strength of the muscles in the mouth. These difficult processes require a specialist who is caring and understanding.

However, they can also help teach friends and family how to better communicate with the affected individual. The great thing about this kind of treatment is that it is successful in just about every case. One study found that 84 percent of seniors who received this kind of home health care were able to improve their communication abilities.

Medicare May Help

One problem that may concern those considering these treatments is the cost. Thankfully, Medicare may help in this situation. For example, people who require speech therapy for this condition qualify as long as they are under a plan of care that is reviewed regularly by a doctor. The care services must also be approved by a Medicare official or have a Medicare certification.  

A person must also be homebound for Medicare to cover this treatment. This condition is met if the affected person physically struggles to leave their home or has a condition which makes it difficult to leave their home. In severe cases, dysarthria may qualify because it may make safe and effective communication difficult or even impossible.

So those who have a loved one struggling with dysarthria and living a happy live need to talk to a home health care specialist right away. They can find a speech therapist that works for you and will help you qualify for Medicare if it is possible.
