Getting Help At Home

2 Benefits Of Senior Home Care Versus An Assisted Living Facility

As elderly loved ones reach a certain age, their ability to look after themselves diminishes. As a result, you must keep a keen eye on them and cater to their needs. For instance, senior persons often need assistance with grooming, housekeeping, shopping, managing prescriptions, and having companionship.

However, you may not be in a position to provide all the listed services to a senior person if you work a full-time job. Hence, the decision to enroll them in an assisted living facility or hire a senior home care service arises. 

In most cases, an assisted living facility seems like the most logical option. But hiring a senior home care service can provide more benefits than an assisted living facility. Here are two reasons to hire a senior home care service instead of enrolling a loved one in an assisted living facility. 

1. Affordability 

Cost is a critical factor influencing your decision to enroll an older person in an assisted living facility or hire a senior home care service. 

Most people would go above and beyond their means to assist a loved one. But taking care of an elderly person over a long period can strain your finances. As a result, it is advisable to consider how much money you can comfortably spend on your elderly loved one's care. 

If you opt for the assisted living facility option, you can expect to spend an average of $4500 a month. But, if you opt to hire a senior home care service, the monthly costs will amount to $600 to $3000, depending on the type of home care you choose. 

So, hiring a senior home care service is more affordable than enrolling an elderly person in an assisted living facility. 

2. No Relocation

Senior persons can be very sentimental and stubborn about living in their own homes. As a result, few elderly persons willingly agree to move to an assisted living facility. 

Sometimes if you force your elderly loved one to move into an assisted living facility, they often fall into depression. The depression comes from moving out of their homes and assimilating into an entirely new environment filled with strangers. 

However, senior home care involves looking after an elderly person while in their home. As a result, an older person doesn't have to move out of their home. Besides, most seniors prefer to remain under their own roof instead of relocating to an assisted living facility.

Click here to learn more about senior home care. 
